Filter a SharePoint Calendar List With a Date Picker

I was trying to add a date picker to allow the filtering of a Calendar list in SharePoint. Unfortunately I had SharePoint Foundation, which is missing the Date Filter web part which only comes with the Enterprise edition of SharePoint.

I found this article, which works great for filtering a specific date.  My calendar items have a StartTime and EndTime though, and could take place over several days.  Since the filter connection only allows the filtering based on a single field, this wasn’t going to work.

I ended up making the changes in SharePoint Designer, which allows for parameters and multiple filters based on those parameters.  Unfortunately it wasn’t as easy as adding a DateTimeControl to the view, as the DateTimeControl outputs dates in a format that’s incompatible with the list filters.  I ended up writing some Javascript to do the date conversion as well as populate the DateTimeControl with a default date of today.  Here’s how to do it:

  • Open SharePoint Designer
  • Select Lists and Libraries
  • Select the calendar you would like to add the filtered list to.
  • Add a new view to your list.
  • Click the view to edit it.
  • Put your cursor just above the list and select:
    Insert -> SharePoint -> DateTimeControl
  • Modify the properties of the DateTimeControl. Set:
    AutoPostBack = True
    DateOnly = True
  • Now we have to add in some javascript to convert the output of the DateTimeControl to a format that the SharePoint filters will recognize (YYYY-MM-DD). Go to the Code view and between the </div> and </content> of the DateTimeControl add the following:
<input type="hidden" name="spFilterDate" id="spFilterDate"/>

 <script type="text/javascript">
 function formatDateSharePoint(date)
 var d = date.getDate();
 var m = date.getMonth()+1;
 var y = date.getFullYear();
 return '' + y +'-'+ (m<=9?'0'+m:m) +'-'+ (d<=9?'0'+d:d);

function formatDateSharePointView(date)
 var d = date.getDate();
 var m = date.getMonth()+1;
 var y = date.getFullYear();
 return '' + (m<=9?'0'+m:m) +'/'+ (d<=9?'0'+d:d) + '/' + y;

function datePickerChange()
 var datePicker = document.getElementById(g_strDateTimeControlIDs["DateTimeControl1"]);
 var date = new Date(datePicker.value);
 var dateField = document.getElementById("spFilterDate");
 dateField.value = formatDateSharePoint(date);

function datePickerDefault()
 var datePicker = document.getElementById(g_strDateTimeControlIDs["DateTimeControl1"]);
 var date = new Date(datePicker.value);
 if (isNaN( date.getTime() ))
 date = new Date();
 datePicker.value = formatDateSharePointView(date);


//Call the datePickerChange on Postback, as the client side DatePickerControl events only work on IE.
 //The only reliable way to call the function on postback seems to be to override the __doPostBack function
 var __originalPostBack= __doPostBack;

function beforePostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) {
 __originalPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument);

__doPostBack = beforePostBack;

//Default the date picker to Today, if it's not already set


So now the code for the DateTime Control should look like:

 <SharePoint:DateTimeControl runat="server" id="DateTimeControl1" AutoPostBack="True" DateOnly="True" />

 <input type="hidden" name="spFilterDate" id="spFilterDate"/>

 <script type="text/javascript">
 function formatDateSharePoint(date)
 var d = date.getDate();
 var m = date.getMonth()+1;
 var y = date.getFullYear();
 return '' + y +'-'+ (m<=9?'0'+m:m) +'-'+ (d<=9?'0'+d:d);


__doPostBack = beforePostBack;

//Default the date picker to Today, if it's not already set



So what we’ve done is made it so that every time the DateTimeControl is changed, a hidden field is updated with the date in a format that’s valid for the list filter.  Now we need to read that value into a parameter and filter the list based on that parameter:

  • Go back to design view, select and list and choose Options -> Parameters.
  • Create a new parameter – we’ll call it DateFilter. Set the Source to ‘Form‘ and the Form Field to ‘spFilterDate‘ which is the name of our hidden field.
  • Now click on Options -> Filter and create two filters:
    StartTime Less Than or Equal To DateFilter And
    EndTime Greater Than or Equal To DateFilter
  • Save the view.

You can now use this view in SharePoint to filter the calendar to items that occur on a specific date.


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