Comments on: Adding Breadcrumb Navigation to SharePoint 2010 Application Pages Tips on .Net, SQL Server, Sharepoint & AI Mon, 10 Dec 2012 20:34:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nicolas Mon, 10 Dec 2012 20:34:31 +0000 I add the following code to my master page, and worked like a charm in my SP2010:


By: Shankar Thu, 08 Nov 2012 06:55:18 +0000 Chris: This is awesome.I just replaced the “” in my default.aspx page(SharePoint 2010) with your code and it worked as you said.Thank you so much.

By: Chris Coulson Thu, 14 Jun 2012 19:05:04 +0000 In reply to timothy eichfeld.

You’re right – the instructions I link to are for SharePoint 2007 – so they point to the 12 hive. You need to use the 14 hive in SharePoint 2010.

I don’t know of a resource with a simple hello world application page with a breadcrumb. If you want to take a look at working code, download the code for the SharePoint 2010 FBA Pack. That’s where this example came from. The pages under Layouts\FBA\Management have this implemented.

By: timothy eichfeld Thu, 14 Jun 2012 18:48:14 +0000 Hello,
None of this worked for me, actually, it broke a few things. I am new to Sharepoint and do not have innate knowledge to know where you skipped a few steps. Is there a resource available (or do you have any step by step instructions) on how to setup a simple hello world application page with a breadcrumb? I do not have a 12 hive in Sharepoint 2010 (actually none exists) it is a 14 hive, so maybe I have a different version? Placing these in the 14 hive does not solve my problem.

If you could help point me in the correct direction, that would be great.

Thanks much,
