SharePoint 2010 FBA Pack Released

I’ve just released the SharePoint 2010 FBA Pack on CodePlex:

The FBA Pack is a collection of web parts and tools for managing forms based authentication in SharePoint 2010.  It is a port of the SharePoint 2007 CKS Forms Based Authentication Solution to SharePoint 2010.  It has been changed extensively to work with SharePoint 2010’s claims based authentication and has been restructured to use Visual Studio 2010’s new SharePoint project type.

SharePoint 2010 can be configured out of the box to authenticate against an ASP.NET Membership database, but strangely it does not include any tools for managing membership users and roles, or any web parts to allow new users to register or to change/reset their password.  That’s where the FBA Pack comes in – it contains:

User Management

Users can be created, deleted and edited, as well as assigned to Roles or SharePoint groups.

Manage Users Page
Manage Users Page

Role Management

Roles can be created and deleted.

Manage Roles Page
Manage Roles Page

Change Password Web Part and Page

This highly configurable web part will allow a user to change their password.  Additionally a built in Change Password page has been included, with a link to it on the users menu.

Change Password Page
Change Password Page

Membership Request Web Part

This highly configurable web part will allow new users to register to site.  An email will be sent to the user with their temporary password and instructions to login to the site.  As well there is the option to review membership requests.

Membership Request Web Part
Membership Request Web Part

Password Recovery Web Part

This highly configurable web part will allow a user to reset their password.  An email will be sent to he user with their temporary password and instructions on changing it.

Password Recovery Web Part
Password Recovery Web Part

Membership Review List

The FBA Pack can be configured to allow new user requests to be moderated.  The membership review list displays all new membership requests, which can either be accepted or rejected.

Membership Review Page
Membership Review Page


24 responses to “SharePoint 2010 FBA Pack Released”

  1. Michael Miller Avatar
    Michael Miller

    Is this free to use?

    1. Chris Coulson Avatar

      This is an open source project, so yes, it’s completely free to use. The source code is also available on CodePlex, so hopefully it will receive even further enhancements from the community.

  2. Kamis SharePoint Consulting Avatar

    This looks great, and already testing this for a customer deployment requirement.

    Would you prefer feedback here or on codeplex?

    1. Chris Coulson Avatar

      Glad to hear it’s already getting some use! For any bug reports or technical questions, please post them on CodePlex.

  3. Geoff Varosky Avatar

    Perfect timing on this project! I have been working on a blog series regarding extranets in SharePoint 2010, and my next post was on managing users… Thank you!

  4. SharePoint Training Avatar

    FBA manager is great! loved the 2007 version..


  5. […] You can read the full post about this tool on Chris blog here […]

  6. justin Avatar

    Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

  7. […] sharepoint password reset – Google Web-log Search […]

  8. Andrew Twigg Avatar


    Great set of webparts. We’ve installed them on our SP Foundation server and worked almost straight away. We are having problems exposing them on the login page. What I’d like is the Membership request webpart to appear on the login page. This is so we don’t have to turn on anonymous access.

    Is this possible?



    1. Chris Coulson Avatar

      It is. Check out the discussion board on the Codeplex site:

      That’s where i’m handling all of the Q&A for the FBA Pack. There’s already some posts about doing this on there, and if you have any further questions feel free to post them there.

  9. siva Avatar

    i am not able to find the cource code,please help me……

  10. Davis Avatar


    Is there a way to add additional fields in user management list? for now it’s limited to username, email and full name. I wanted to add like first name and last name.


    1. Chris Coulson Avatar

      There’s no way to do it through configuration. You can edit the code to add the additional fields.

  11. The Red Baron Avatar
    The Red Baron


    Firstly let me say this, that your work is awesome. I have installed the .wsp file and it is working great. However when i downloaded the solution, I was unable to deploy the solution. Infact when i tried to Build the solution it gave me an Error COde 1. I googled it and found that the error could be resolved if i keep the solution in my C:. The Solution now gets Build and Deployed. How ever I am not able to see the Web Parts that have been deployed using the new soution.

    Can u guide me through this please.?

    1. Chris Coulson Avatar

      So the release version of the FBA Pack installs fine with the deploy scripts and you are just having issues deploying it from Visual Studio?

      Interesting, I haven’t heard of an Error Code 1. The only issues i’ve heard of while building the solution is if the folder is placed too deep – resulting in path names that are too long.

      If it gets built and deployed fine, but you can’t see the web parts, make sure that the feature has been activated in the Site Collection you are working on (Sites Settins -> Site Collection Features).

      Before you build it for the first time, you need to put a url to your Site Collection in the project properties. When VS deploys it, it will activate the feature on that site collection. So as long as you do your testing on the same site collection you enter in Visual Studio, it should already be deployed and activated there.

  12. vinit Avatar

    Hi Freiends,

    How to install the fba pack in Sharepoint 2010.
    According to the above link i have to install this using
    e.g. .\deploy http://demo2010a:13824/.

    if my folder location C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\SharePoint2010FBAPack.1.3.1
    and my webiste URl is http://demo2010a:13824 then how to delopy it.

    1. Chris Coulson Avatar

      Open powershell
      cd \users\administrator\desktop\Sharepoint2010fbapack.1.3.1
      .\deploy http://demo2010a:13824

  13. vishal Avatar

    Hi Friends,

    I am trying to install the FBA pack in sharepoint 2013 using Window Powershell But its giving error.Below is the error details

    PS C:\Users\Administrator> cd C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\SharePoint2013FBAPack.1.3.3
    PS C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\SharePoint2013FBAPack.1.3.3> ./deploy http://server:80/
    Existing Timer job found. Deleting
    Going to uninstall feature
    uninstall-spfeature : Cannot find a Feature object with Path or Id: FBAManagement in scope Local farm.
    At C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\SharePoint2013FBAPack.1.3.3\UnDeploy.ps1:59 char:2
    + uninstall-spfeature -identity $featureName -confirm:$false -force
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share…ninstallFeature:SPCmdletUninstallFeature) [Uninstall-SPF
    eature], SPCmdletPipeBindException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletUninstallFeature

    Going to uninstall solution
    Uninstall-SPSolution : Cannot uninstall the LanguagePack 0 because it is not deployed.
    At C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\SharePoint2013FBAPack.1.3.3\UnDeploy.ps1:62 char:2
    + Uninstall-SPSolution -identity $solutionName -allwebapplications -confirm:$fal …
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share…installSolution:SPCmdletUninstallSolution) [Uninstall-SP
    Solution], SPCmdletException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletUninstallSolution

    Waiting for job to finish
    Timer job not found
    Going to remove solution
    Going to add solution

    Name SolutionId Deployed
    —- ———- ——–
    visigo.sharepoint.formsbase… 956715d5-f34c-4b00-bfb7-8c35d5fa0f62 False
    Going to install solution to all web applications
    Waiting for job to finish
    Waiting to finish job solution-deployment-visigo.sharepoint.formsbasedauthentication.wsp-0..Finished waiting for job..
    Deactivating/activating active features to ensure activation script is run
    Get-SPFeature : Cannot find a Feature object with Path or Id: FBAManagement in scope Local farm.
    At C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\SharePoint2013FBAPack.1.3.3\Activate.ps1:3 char:13
    + $feature = Get-SPFeature $featureName
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share…mdletGetFeature:SPCmdletGetFeature) [Get-SPFeature], SPC
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletGetFeature

    Cannot find an overload for “QueryFeatures” and the argument count: “1”.
    At C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\SharePoint2013FBAPack.1.3.3\Activate.ps1:4 char:2
    + $features = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService]::ContentService. …
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodCountCouldNotFindBest

    Going to enable Feature
    Enable-spfeature : The Feature is not a Farm Level Feature and is not found in a Site level defined by the Url
    At C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\SharePoint2013FBAPack.1.3.3\Activate.ps1:29 char:2
    + Enable-spfeature -identity $featureName -confirm:$false -url $url
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share…etEnableFeature:SPCmdletEnableFeature) [Enable-SPFeature
    ], SPCmdletException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletEnableFeature

    1. Chris Coulson Avatar

      I think the url you’re passing as a parameter is your central admin url. It needs to be the url to the site collection where the fba pack should be activated.

      Alternatively, you can just run ./deploy, and it will not activate on any site collection. Then you can go to the Site Collection -> Site Settings -> Site Collection Features, and activate the Forms Based Authentication Management feature.

      1. Christian Avatar

        Chris thanks so much for your concerted effort. I get error when i try to deploy the FBA pack with or without my site url. I would apprciate if you probably post what the issue might likely be.

        cannot find a feature object with path or id fba management in scope local farm

        1. Chris Coulson Avatar

          It sounds like the Add-SPSolution call is failing, so it’s not being added to SharePoint and not able to be deployed. Is there another error message prior to this one? I’d probably try a manual deploy – you can just call

          Add-SPSolution pathtowspfile

          This will add the solution to SharePoint, and then you should be able to deploy it via Central Admin – Manage Farm Solutions.

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